Quality control and investigative cases
We act in the capacity as the audit firm's Risk-Management function and provide assistance before, during and after the quality control performed by the Danish Business Authority and, if relevant, in respect of the management of investigative cases.
If your audit firm is singled out for quality control, Inspicio can provide assistance before, during and after the performance of such quality control. We participate to assure a good and constructive dialogue and to ensure that comprehensive relevant information will be presented to the inspection team. This takes place with a view to ensure that the foundation of all professional discussions is all-encompassing and exhaustive and, hence, ensuring that the Business Authority's report will be as true and fair as is possible. According to your desires, we contribute at different levels – be this in the capacity as an active ”front-partner” or by passive participation.
In case your audit firm, or accountants of its staff, should become the object(s) of criticism and a possible investigative case is initiated by the Business Authority or other stakeholders, we can provide clarification in respect of professional issues and assessments. We offer review assistance relative to circumstances pertaining to the case and provide our expert assessment thereof; and, similarly, we provide assistance in respect of subsequent meetings and written correspondence between you and the Business Authority or The Danish Disciplinary Board on Auditors, respectively.